|| Lifestyle || Sunday Updates #7



A while back I posted some tidbits or tips for burn out (you can read that here) and honestly, I THAT is what I am feeling at the moment but not just from COIVD-19 but from work.

If you follow me on social media or hang out in my Twitch streams you may have heard me mention that I’ve been furloughed AGAIN but not as much this time, but it still affects my paychecks and my ability to maintain bills, food, etc. granted I am not alone as there are millions of people in worse situations than me.

But at least there is hope insight in terms of a vaccine and maybe some sense of normalcy. I am quite aware that things will never go back to being completely normal but at this point, we’d take anything.

This year or this December I plan on being more open and receptive to opportunities, positivity, and things that manifest. I’ve caught myself a few times and honestly recently (the other day) limiting myself of opportunities and I need to stop.

It’s also important that you don’t limit yourself manifestations, opportunities, etc. If you find yourself limiting yourself take a moment and take a deep breath and take another moment to really think about the opportunity that is being presented in front of you—

  • “How does it make you feel” – what is your intuition telling you?
  • “What are the benefits & cons to this opportunity” – Are these pros & cons realistic and applicable to you and your goals

With 2021 not being that far away I’m ready to welcome all the opportunities and positivity in this upcoming year. I am planning on doing a roundup of the accomplishments of 2020 despite the travesty that is COVID-19 od 2020.

Things I’m working on this week:

      • (Still) Working on Japanese grammar & Kanji
      • Being consistent
      • Finish fanfics before starting new ones
      • Promote, promote, promote myself
      • Create a proper media kit ( that’s fun)

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