|| Gaming || Post E3 + PC Gaming Show


I feel like it has been years since I have properly sat down and watched E3, of course, I sprang up from sleep to watch the announcement for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy VII remake, but seeing how I’m well deep into the “Twitch World” now I felt as if I needed to pay attention.

And that’s what I did.

Now I wasn't able to watch everything but here is what I did watch:
  • Bethesda
  • Ubisoft
  • Square Enix
  • Nintendo Direct
  • Capcom's Monster Hunter Iceborne gameplay (which was terrible btw)
  • PC Gaming Show ( Separate from E3 but during E3)

and below are some of the main points I that stuck with me from the conferences: 

To bluntly put it:

  • I pre-ordered the Final Fantasy VII Remake First Class Soldier Edition ASAP
  • Final Fantasy VIII remaster - didn't mods/modders already do this though??
  • I need a Nintendo Switch
  • The PC Game show was cool – Frankie made the show
  • Mobile Games should not be announced at large conferences like this
  • Keanu, Jon, and Mads are precious (idk what else I can add to this but I definitely had to add this)
  • Still, don’t know what the hell Death Stranding is or why everyone was crying
  • DedSec Squad 4 lfye!
Jumping right into it- Final Fantasy VII is my absolute favorite RPG, I grew up on it, played it several times, wrote a fanfiction about it, purchased the game at least three times and I have a limited edition potion.

There was no way I was going to miss out on the First Class Edition. It was a no brainer for me.

Image result for FFVII remake first class soldier edition
Look how beautiful it is~
Now for the actual game itself – I had to remind myself several times that this was a REMAKE and not a REMASTER. Things are going to be different, the mechanics are going to be different, MANY things are going to be different. I will admit when I first saw the trailer I was worried.

Absolutely worried about what was to come, the fighting system reminded me of Final Fantasy XV (which I played once and I haven’t played since then) the graphics, the designs of the characters were spot on. There was tons of nostalgia when I Jessie and Wedge in current graphics, and Sephiroth… I had a heart attack (I’m completely joking) All of the characters look amazingly beautiful, especially my OG husband Sephiroth <3

The story though…I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with that, but apparently the remake will include things they weren’t able to do originally.

I need a Nintendo Switch, I never thought I would hear myself say those words or even think about it.

But I do.

After watching the Nintendo Direct with another Twitch streamer, there were so many games that I wanted to play, such as:

  • Astral Chain
  • No More Heroes 3
  • Trails of Mana
  • Animal Crossing
  • Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  • Pokemon (I guess, lol)
Of course, there are additional games that I will probably end up getting to play with others (Smash Bros, probs)

This year was my first time watching the PC Game Show, and I will say I definitely enjoyed it. First, I watched this with another streamer and also since I am a streamer myself I play a plethora of games on different systems SO I thought it would be a good idea to see what was out there.

To be honest one of the hosts, Frankie, made the conference even more enjoyable in addition to the games they premiered.  Some of the games that premiered there were well known such as Borderlands 3, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, Shenmue 3, Baldur's Gate 3 and more. The PC gaming show catered to all types of gamers.

I'm actually interested in playing Vampire and surprisingly Baldur's Gate, BUT I highly recommend checking out the PC gaming show next year!

Mobile Gaming was supposed to be the next biggest thing, right? I'm sure it still is and there's nothing wrong with that but there is a time and place where to announce it those games until mobile
gaming is mainstream.

At something like E3 where people are looking for the newest games, with the best graphics, and new technology, that's a no go. I was not impressed.

Even after the new trailer that was released (before E3) I still don't know what the hell Kojima is doing or why everyone is crying in Death Stranding  I want to play it but...I don't know if I want to see there and question my very existence after I beat it and then maybe become paranoid that something like this is going to happen in the future.

(This has happened to me before, btw, lol)

But this picture is very relevant still until I either get my hands on the game or watch someone play.

  • Are you getting Death Stranding? 
  • Will we ever figure out what the hell is going on? 

Figuring that this was more of an opinion dump, tell me how you felt about this year's E3.

Did it live up to your expectations?
What are you most excited about?
What could have been better?
Who should have been there (vice versa)

Any additional comments?

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