Even though it's officially spring season in the United States it's still fairly chilly in the midwest and soon Easter (for those that celebrate it). Usually, around this time I always feel the need to get back into reading especially with all of the books I have managed to collect and forget when and where I purchased them.
I often have those days where I blaze through books and then sometimes "What are books" come to mind.
As my book collection continued to grow I noticed that a lot of the books that I collect since I am now older are more self-help books on things that I lacked growing up. That doesn't mean that I don't collect fiction books, because I do, I am just very picky about the books that I choose.
Very picky.
Very picky.
Here's what I'm reading during the month of April
The Art of War for Women - ching-ning chu
Would you like to transform your weaknesses into strengths? Succeed at work without compromising your ethics? Integrate your style and personal philosophy into every action you take? If so, this book is for you. In The Art of War for Women, bestselling author Chin-Ning Chu brings the eternal wisdom of philosopher-general Sun Tzu to women looking to gain a better understanding of who they are--and, more importantly, who they want to be.
Although Sun Tzu’s book is about the application of strategies and determining the most efficient way of gaining victory with the least amount of conflict, every one of those strategies begins with having a deep understanding of the people and the world around us. They also require us to understand ourselves--our strengths and weaknesses, our goals and fears. In other words, the aim is not to apply a series of rules coldly and dispassionately, but rather to integrate ourselves and our unique talents into the strategies we will employ
Having: The Secret Art of Feeling and Growing Rich - Suh Yoon Lee & Jooyun Hong
When Wharton MBA Jooyun Hong went searching for the key to increasing wealth in a time of growing inequality, she did not expect to find herself studying under a famed and fascinating guru, known for advising the 1% of South Korea. She now shares what she learned from the guru in this life-changing narrative, and it starts with a simple emotion she calls Having.
In destinations ranging from Paris to Kyoto, this philosophical journey lays out a framework for achieving an empowered relationship with money. The guru has found that almost everyone has the capacity to earn 3 to 7 million dollars—and some have a capacity for much more. As Jooyun applies the guru's practical but revolutionary insights to her everyday life—including journaling about the emotions that accompany spending money—she experiences a transformation of her mood, fulfillment, and ultimately, her net worth. By changing your emotions about money, you can make every purchase a step toward becoming your true self.
Having is the power that attracts wealth, and this incredible series of lessons will guide you to claim that power in your own life. Learn to feel what you already have, and you'll be able to have so much more.
The Zen of Social Media Marketing - Shama Hyder
Whether you’re a novice, struggler, or mastery-seeker, you already know that engaging in social media is no longer optional. People are talking about your company online and you need to be part of those conversations. However, social media marketing isn’t like traditional marketing—and treating it that way only leads to frustration and failure.
In The Zen of Social Media Marketing, Shama Hyder, social media expert and president of The Marketing Zen Group, teaches you the “Zen” of using social media tools to find your own marketing nirvana.
What's next on my list?
Behind the Shattered Glass - Tasha Alexander
Edinbrough Twilight - Carole Lawrence
Island of Swans - Ciji Ware
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