In an effort to share more about myself I thought about some things that not many people may know about me and one of the things I came up with - Movies.
I used to watch a lot of movies growing up because I was home alone a lot It's crazy when I think back to the time where I used to watch a lot of movies (aka when I was younger, home alone and made popcorn and ramen until siblings or mom came back home) but as I grew older I have considerably cut movies out of my free time.
aka my attention span for movies went to shit.
But despite that, I do have a few favorites that I do cherish and yes most of them are older because I haven't watched a proper more modern movie in forever.
To Kill a Mockingbird I actually fell in love with this movie after watching it in high school English class. I honestly fell in love with Atticus and actors were outstanding. At this time I think I found myself falling more and more in love with black and white films.
The Pagemaster I learned that not many people know about this movie and it makes me kinda sad, it has one of my favorite childhood actors, Macaulay Culkin, and as a kid, I used to read a lot and well the fact that the movie progresses through classic literature was a big hit for me!
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back + Return of the Jedi I remember watching this several times while on a delivery (road trip) with my dad on his semi-truck. I'm not sure what it was about these two movies but even to this day and despite the newer movies these two are my favorites.
Nausicaa - I ABSOLUTELY ADORE NAUSICAA, a female main character in a post-war-torn world where everything can kill, poison you. I just thought she was the coolest ever.
First Wives Club - I have no clue how this happened and I am quite sure that as a 10-year old I shouldn't have been watching this. But I love it to pieces.
The Great Gatsby Another movie I fell in love with after watching it in English class, I found that I have a preference for moves that are during the roaring 20s and 30s. There's a unique appeal about it that always gets me. Although I prefer the book due to creative imagination but the movie just added emphasis on why I fell in love with it.
Of course, this isn't my full list of favorite movies but as I made this list I feel like I aged myself a bit as most of these originated on VHS or the beginning of the DVD era.
Even though these are some of my favorite movies it takes a lot for me to actually sit down and watch a movie. Nowadays, I always have to be doing something and in turn, I don't fully focus on the movie which is a waste. Honestly, I'm not sure what caused the shift in my attention span but now I can't even sit still. This also applies to TV, I don't watch TV and if it's on, it's background noise.
Do you ever think back on the movies you watched when you were younger and realize how different your movie tastes were or if they were the same?
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