|| Life || Sunday Updates #3


It's already February, usually, I'm able to tell if the year is flying past or not but right now I feel as if I had been picked up by a whirlwind, dropped suddenly and trying to figure out where am I.

But despite being a bit confused there are somethings that I have committed to do and change in regards to many aspects of my life. You can also check out my post 2019 to 2020

New mindset for 2020 - Do instead of try. Focus on yourself. Manifest the life you want.

More discipline + More forgiveness - In one of my previous streams, I reminded myself of how hard I was on myself when it came to Japanese that I performed poorly because of it. I want to be more forgiving with myself. But also practice more discipline for everything ( spending $$, fitness, health, etc.)

Letting go but never forgetting - There are somethings that I've held on to without realizing until many months and or years later that I still held on to that's been me back from whatever I was trying to pursue.

Focus on me but not forgetting others - For the longest time I was a selfless person, I always did things for others and of course, I was the last on the list. I believe this was something that I picked up from my mother. But after being constantly disappointed, tired, exhausted from other people I focused began to focus on myself nearly becoming completely opposite of what I used to be.

I still believe in focusing on me first and foremost but I also need to remember not to completely be selfish and ignore others. You grow by helping others and that is something that I need to remind myself of this on my journey.

This week I not only want to recuperate but also stop doubting myself on the tasks that I have set out. I've come to realize that a lot of my hesitation comes from my own self-doubt and not believing in what I can do

This week's goals:
  • Finish reading - Beyond the Shatter Glass
  • Schedule at least two blog posts ( I have eight plus drafts...)
  • More Cosplay photos on my Ko-fi
  • Develop ways to stop self-doubting

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