Sunday Updates #6



A big sigh of relief! But in that sigh, there's still more work to be done on a personal and country level.

Everyone in the United States was being tested on Nov. 3 and I would like to say that the United States has proved itself but also where the United States stands currently, it's not looking too good.

But I think those who were paying attention, those who were aware of the signs knew this already. It's just unfortunate that it's been exposed, and widely accepted even though it completely goes against what America stands for, what America is.

A lot of my stress was focused on the 2020 Nov. 3 Presidential election as it was the test that the United States narrowly passed but also had me (ONCE AGAIN) reconsidering what I wanted to do with my future career and honestly I'm still hesitant especially with my current job being heavily affected by COVID-19 I've had to start reconsidering other things as well.

I am managing but I am not OK. I am alright and I am finding ways to really keep myself motivated, to keep myself sane. I did start looking at graduate school again but had to pause it as it would cost money I don't have.

I've considered streaming more but I'm coming to the realization that I am burned out and not from streaming but from work.  I've been so narrowly focused on work and constantly hustling or having the hustle mindset that I've tired myself out and ignored the other things around me and MY BODY.

I've been ignoring the signs my body has been giving me that I'm just fatigued. 

Normally I list things that I plan to do for this upcoming week, but honestly, I am just going to relax, and do some stress management.

I hope you all take the time to do some stress management as well!

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