|| Travel || Maui, Hawaii


Recently my Beau and I took a trip to Maui for my birthday, this trip was not only for me realizing that was a year older but also finding out a little bit about myself.

Few things I found out about myself:

- I prefer traveling alone
- I improvise on things to do
- I'm also super lazy on trips and prefer to stay in nicely heated/cooled areas with Wi-Fi.
- I get stressed when I'm traveling with people.

With that being said, I actually enjoyed my stay in Maui, we already planned on returning to Hawaii at least three more times I have my sights set on Honolulu. There's a huge Japanese population centered there which inspired me to possibly write a paper on why there's a large population of Japanese there, but we'll see about that.

The best part, was the scenery. I could sit on the beach, read and watch the waves crash along the beach while the clouds pass over the mountain tops of the West Maui Mountains or Haleakala.

Also a place called the Flatbread Company  has the most amazing flatbread pizza EVER! and of course pairing it with the Maui's beer. I don't even drink beer, but this was pretty decent!

Pictures are more telling than talking about it, If you are following me on instagram you may have seen some of the photos posted.

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