|| Life || 2019 to 2020


There were a lot of goals and milestones that I had set up or planned to complete but no on the level of new year's resolutions.

I don't do those because I can never stick to them and essentially, they are just short term goals.

But I wanted to do a review of 2019 and how I want to prepare myself for 2020 I want to highlight some of the things I've completed in 2019 and some things I want to accomplish in 2020

  • Restarted my blog 
    • This blog has gone through several changes over the years of its creation. But now I think I officially have a concrete reason, I've found my niche, my reason for blogging again.
  • Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle - I started the journey...and it's a journey alright.
  • Take better care of myself by eating more and regularly
  • Travel to see friends
  • Cosplay More
    • This year I've cosplayed 2b from Nier Automata & Junko from Dangan Ronpa
  • Attend TwitchCon
    • I traveled to San Diego this time and met friends there!
  • Define Personal Goals
  • Grow Twitch Channel
  • Realize the greatness within me/Personal Growth
    • For the longest time, I have had low self-esteem and didn't have the support in nurturing my esteem and there were a lot of things that I have to myself or the hard way and well I am finally learning the hard way. By the hard I mean by constantly telling myself I am a 'great' person, I am worth it, I am smart, I am pretty, I am enough.

  • Travel more (International Girl's Weekend) - IT'S PLANNED AND I'M EXCITED...I need to renew my passport!
  • Personal development + General Growth
  • Healthy Lifestyle ( Pescatarian + Ayurveda)
    • I've already heavily cut out meat from my diet and supplemented with fish and veggies I normally don't eat
  • Money Management
    • I am not the greatest when it comes to money management. Don't get me wrong, I don't just willy-nilly spend money 85 percent of my paycheck goes to bills and food and the 15 percent that I have left over is used for gas, coffee, maybe some commissions and perhaps some purchases from Amazon. I just know that I need to be more disciplined when it comes to money and SAVING!

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