☆ Travel Internationally with Friends - I'm actually planning something for next year!
☆ Fly First Class - I can't even imagine how comfortable the flight would be...
☆ Win an all-expenses-paid trip + shopping to somewhere
☆ Meet a known celebrity - One of my dreams is to meet the Japanese Idol, Gackt. Pls...let me just shake his hand...and mess up Japanese in front of him.
☆ Test drive and possibly buy a Tesla - Tesla = Dream Car
I know that these things are pretty mediocre but living in a state/city that tends to get things close to last it leaves a bit of a void but the things I listed above are something I would LOVE to experience of course some of them are more likely to happen sooner rather than later but as of right now these are some of the things that are on the top of my list.
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