A game that I thought would be a bit cliche that turned out to be more entertaining proved me wrong!
Oh so wrong!

On a whim, one of my twitch supporters and a close friend of mine approached me with the idea of playing the game that he voiced a character in and of course I jumped on it.
Sad Panda Studios, the developer and publisher of the game Blush Blush is a small studio that has successfully published two games Crush Crush and Blush Blush along with NSFW DLC content (which is consistently updated 👀) Blush Blush in a sense is an otome game, but not to the Japanese standard of Bishonen, more so DIVERSE and attractive men. I mentioned the game Crush Crush which is a female version of Blush Blush, lots of attractive and DIVERSE women.
Sometime this year their third game, Hush Hush, will be released ( Hopefully!)
Focusing on Blush Blush, the premise of the game is that you are responsible for a curse that befalls on 12 attractive men and it is your responsibility to change them all back through the power of romance/love.
...ok then...
You literally have to woo, romance these men to get them to trust you so that you can change them back, and I don't mean this in a malicious way or anything of the sort. You literally have to work various jobs, talk to them, buy them things, go out on dates with them, learn various skills, the whole deal.
Each of the guys requires different skills, jobs, and a fair amount of money in order to proceed to the next level. Some are easy some are really difficult and will require you to 'reset' your game in order to continue. When I say reset, you do this in-game and you do this to boost your stats, by doing this you increase the speed that your stats improve. Thus speeding up the process to proceed to the next level and also speak to certain guys.
This is a super important feature of the game and it is recommended that you do reset the game otherwise you will get bored of it quickly and most likely not want to continue to play it.
A completely different level.
Working, improving your skills to further along your relationship with the guy( or guys) of your choice is a new concept to me. But it is also heavily dependent on time.
Here's my review of this unique and devilishly cute Otome game.
Rating Guide:
☆: Could be better
☆☆: Ok
☆☆☆: Decent
☆☆☆☆: Great!
The idea of the story reminded me of the early 00s when I was just getting into fanfiction and on Quizilla (feel old yet?) and I cringed thinking about it. It's on the level of a PWP (Plot? What Plot?) fanfiction which isn't bad if done correctly. Since I'm more of a story-driven gamer, the story for Blush Blush didn't really hold my interest, but I'm thinking that's not the point. The guys are :)
But all in all, I didn't mind the waiting aspect of the game since a lot of the Otome games I've played also required you to wait till you had enough "hearts" "Keys" "Crystals" to continue.
I was pleasantly surprised at how well done the art is and the aesthetic of the game is perfect for the type of vibe the game has, cutesy. The art maintains one style but the diversity in the designs of all of the characters is what really amazed me. You have your average guy, the modelesque guy, to the fit, thin, to heftier guys and even characters that are modeled after certain people.
Though with it's repetitive gameplay and having to constantly 'reset' your game I would recommend at least giving this game a once over and check out the rest of Sad Panda Studio's games.
You can download their games via Steam, Google Playstore, and Apple Store.
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